ABC Wednesday letter "L"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

L is for Lizzard. Last weekend I was putting away our summer stuff from our backyard and when I lifted our umbrella stand I found this fellow who had been hiding underneath.


K M F said...

nice macro i love i t

photowannabe said...

Great choice for L. He doesn't look too happy about being disturbed.

Mrs. Me said...

Good close up. We have several of those in our yard. It's fun to watch them do "push ups" while sunning on the rocks.

Max-e said...

Nice one. I like lizards around the house. They are such busy little creatures. Our problem is our cats - they don't share my sentiments, but the lizards keep out of their way

mrsnesbitt said...

Awwwwwwwwww...putting away the summer stuff!
Winter is soon...............where are the seasons these days eh?
All over the place.

Mind you, I just love the smell right now!

Tomorrow, I will sweep the drive...and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day after,and the day after and the day 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Get my drift?


WalksFarWoman said...

He looks like a nice chap posing for you. :) Love the colour of your pebbles, made me think of another 'L' Lapidary.

Your other photo's are superb, you have a great eye - I'm sure the other one's just as good too!

Hin Man said...

Welcome to ABC Wednesday. You have great picture, I love the colorful flooring in your backyard. It really goes well with the Lizard friend.

Neva said...

Ok...I didn't see this one coming and I should've!!! nice shot of a lizard...very unique...I haven't seen another one...too cold here for lizards!!!

AVCr8teur said...

Great shot to get low at eye level with the lizard. The color pebbles in the background helps. My brown lizard photos usually blends in with the dirt or a tree limb backgrounds.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I like this! :)

Lynette said...

In your backyard! Oh, my. That's too close and too big for me. Great L photo, though.

Thanks for visiting L is for Legs at Portland (OR) Daily Photo. Glad you liked them!

Oswegan said...

You must live somewhere very nice and warm.


Nicole said...

Oooohhh great shot!