Layers of History

Monday, February 4, 2008

Layers of paint covering this old railcar. You can imagin how many miles this car has traveled and how much beautiful scenery it has rolled by.


Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

interesting detail of the paint peeling.
I am back home and posting again

dot said...

Leaves me with a lot to think about. I love your other photo of the car also.

photowannabe said...

Great abstract quality to this shot. Grunge makes terrific shots.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Very interesting.

AVCr8teur said...

Lovely macro shot with the rust showing through. I still need to hone in on this skill.

imac said...

Rolling though the ages, great photo.

Quick quiz2 now up.

Mrs. Me said...

Just think of the stories if this railcar could talk. Great thought provoking piece.

Anonymous said...

Intresting capture;-)
