ABC Wednesday Letter "Z"

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Well we made it to the end of the alphabet, the letter "Z". Letter "Z" is for zipper.


Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Is there someone behind the pair of jeans or are laying on the bed.

Great 'Z' post

Mike said...

Good thinking for Z. A zipper never even occurred to me yet we use them almost daily.

John Roberts said...

Reminiscent of the album cover on the Stones 1971 album "Sticky Fingers."

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Zips was one of the Zs I considered doing - thought of doing a collage of clothing zips with an Iomega Zip Drive on top - instead decided to go to the Zoo

bonnie said...

Wow, this zipper makes me a LITTLE nervous. Kinda sexy.

mrsnesbitt said...

Ooooooooooooooo Bonnie! LOL!
Great idea!

Rune Eide said...

And you can use the same picture when we get to B = button!

Nice one

photowannabe said...

Great Z post. Sometimes the simplest things make the best shots.

Andrea said...

Well, I didn't think of a zipper already attached to jeans. I got a few zippers out of my sewing supplies.

Max-e said...

Ah he good old zipper.
I still remember the era when my trousers had buttons and not zippers. I much prefer zippers

dot said...

This is the 3rd zipper I've seen today and they were all unzipped! Growing up if we saw someone who forgot to zip up we'd whisper XYZ to them and they would turn red in the face then zip up.

AVCr8teur said...

I'm with Bonnie. It IS kinda sexy they way you photographed it.

Laurie said...

Good choice but it does beg the question if there is someone in them?

imac said...

Nice Z post there.

DW she's slowly on the mend, phew! bless her.

Kekiinani said...

Nice shot. So now where do you folks go from Z... :) :)