Butterflies gone wild

Monday, November 17, 2008

Its butterfly season in N. California and they seem to be landing everywhere in our backyard including my daughters nose!


Mrs. Me said...

Absolutely amazing! Your daughter is beautiful and it must be good luck for her to have a butterfly land on her. Talk about having the camera at the ready!

Laurie said...

I love it! Very sweet!

photowannabe said...

Too cute. Glad you had your camera ready Mr. Mapper.

AVCr8teur said...

Nice shot! Your daughter must've remained very still to have it land on her. I haven't seen any butterflies around here.

Neva said...

How very orignial!

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...


Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

My goodness, I hope her eyes dont stick in that position.
Great moon shot, at the end of the month you can see the Moon close to Venus and Jupiter in the evening sky

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

Forgot to say, I just posted pics of Venus And Jupiter as they close in on each other, and waiting for that pic of them with the moon, hope it satys clear.

jel said...

just too cute!

ChrisJ said...

What a great shot!! Love it. That's one to keep on file!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Great image of your daughter.